Seize. Entangled. Fates.

Greetings, welcome to my page."Living for some ultimate goal so often leads to destruction. So when you look on the remains, of the long gone human species, remember that it's the present that matters, not the past or future, What you do today, shapes tomorrow, not the other way around. So love today, and seize all tomorrows."

What to expect

I am rather proficient with Unity, Substance Painter, Blender, Photoshop, and Premiere Pro.I am not going to be always able to provide all services at a time, however I am capable and may open commissions for specific services, at certain time periods, that may eventually become specified below.Understand that the price will be agreed upon by both parties, and that the price ranges are not definite expectations of the cost of the product you are wanting.If we can not come to an agreement on price, the commission will unfortunately have to be cancelled.

What I Will Do

• Upload the avatar directly to you, or upload it publicly.• Send you any graphic content, one containing a watermark, and one without.• Humanoid Characters & Creations• Use any assets you'd like in particular, if the content is obtainable by legal and feasible means.• Accept Payment before the content is finished, to ensure follow-through.• Communicate frequently & clearly during the entire creation process.• Ensure customer satisfaction above all else. :)

What I Won't Do

• Any NSFW Content (unless previously agreed, or proven to be 18+)• Use any illegal or otherwise unfeasibly accessible content.• Content that is intentionally made to harm or antagonize a specific group or person.• Give any direct assets of 3D Content; I will only perform uploads with avatars, unless came to an agreement.• Accept Payment after previously sending the commission work.

Commission Prices

• Graphic Piece (2D Picture/Render/Poster/Logo) 5$ - 200$• Standard Model (base-model & textures)
15$ - 125$
• Basic VRChat Avatar (descriptor, shader, textures)
30$ - 35$
• Advanced VRChat Avatar (particles, gestures, menus, toggles, shaders, textures applied)
45$ - 220$
• Re-texture of a Model (Albedo, Roughess, Metallic, Occlusion, Emmision, & Normal)
5$ - 45$

Disclaimers & Head's Up

I will always do my best to ensure that the commission that you paid for is up to par with what you expect and that it is worth what you paid for.If you cannot communicate properly with me, I will not be able to deliver this, nor will I be able to provide the proper service. I also will only be starting and finishing a product once I have payment. This is simply to ensure follow-through on the consumer side.If there are any issues with production, or anything in regards to said commission order, I will be refunding the money back to you. I also only will be taking and accepting money through PayPal.Thank you, and have a wonderful day.Best Regards, -GMG

Commission Status: Intermediate

Waitlist: [2/5]

Reasoning: Trying to work out some personal projects, as well as work on my own mental health before I begin taking on commissions, I am sorry for this.

Please only make contact with my E-Mail if you are contacting for professional or serious reasons. It is my personal and official form of E-Mail contact, and should be treated as such.
Thank you.

Age: 18
Birthday: October 25th, 2005
Hobbies: Photography, Graphic Design, 3D Modelling, Gaming, Art
I'd rather not put my entire life story here, I am decently protective of my personal information, however I am not opposed to talking to you about it, get to know me and maybe things could change.


Nothing here quite yet. . .

Good grief. . .


"Throughout the passage of time of which my soul went through this earth, I have never came upon another being capable of making me rediscover the love of learning, and the act of loving in of itself, until now.""It is with my grace, and a lifted heart, that I say that I am prepared to continue my life included with yours, and that we may intersect our pathways into one, and formulate a triumphant forage toward the end of time, and ever after.""I am glad not only that you could find a home in my crafted worlds, but I thank you for allowing me to realize my creation was more than a mere ideation of creativity, but rather a place of comfort, and warmth, for those who may not have had a home previously.""Allow me to not only continue to maintain this home I built for us, but to also pathe a future that we can both build on to, a future that may see the end of our life time, and into the next."And then some.

You know where to find me. I'll always love you, and if you ever reach out, I'll always respond to you the moment I can. I'm sorry I hurt you so, and I'm sorry I couldn't be the right one for you.Goodbye for now, my Darling Dearest.Never hesitate to contact me if you ever need anything.I love you, forever and always, and then some.